Workflow Demos

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Alignment of query against KEGG database using blast program.

Execution Choices

  • HadoopMapOnly
  • LocalExecution
  • StratosphereMapOnly


queryDirAn directory containing all protein sequence files as query.


alignmentDirAn directory containing all alignment output files.


evalueCutoffE-value cutoff.
noAlignmentNumber of database sequence to show alignments.
noDescriptionNumber of database sequence to show one-line descriptions.
programNameProgram used for alignment, e.g. blastp for protein alignment.
cleanupCmdClean up all files in alignment directory before running.
programThe command line program to execute.
checkOutputTimestampIf true, verify the last modification timestamp for each output file has increased after execution. If the timestamp has not increased, throw an error.
additionalOptionsAdditional command line options to run
ChoiceThe execution choice to run.